
First impressions: Shugo Chara! Party!

Wtf is this? Cosplayers?! lol

Wtf is this? Cosplayers?! lol

BAD. The third season is nothing to party about, in fact is just bad.
I mean the first episode was awful.

Here’s a rundown of what happened in this episode:

First we have some fugly cosplayers introducing themselves as Amulet Heart,Spade and Clover.
(At first, I thought they’re gonna replace Ran,Miki and Suu lol)
Then we got an opening theme song with some random SC cosplayers dancing and stuff we don’t care about.
After that, we got the same Amulet cosplayers briefing us on this episode.
Then we have a short episode called ‘Shugo Chara Puchi Puchi’ or something like that based on the charas. (Which I don’t really care about so I skipped it.)
And just when I thought this was all over, we have something called ‘Shugo Chara Encylopedia’ or something like that. (Which I skipped, cos’ it’s just reintroducing the same characters again.)
Then we have another SC Puchi whatever about Dia and a flower, which I skipped of course.
Then we get the actual anime.
…But somewhere in the end, there’s segment about fortune telling, asking the viewers to pick one egg and which egg you choose have a different fortune or something.
And after that there’s some ad about them looking for someone to cosplay as Dia together with the other three members of ‘Shugo Chara Egg’ or whatever that group’s called, lol. (I doubt anyone would bother, but lol.)
—End of rundown—-

But because of the first 9 minutes of the episode was pointless, the actual anime was only 10 minutes long. And the end of the episode also cut out the time that could have been used for the actual anime. :/
What’s more, the actual anime itself wasn’t all that great.
Quite a bit of the opening was just reused animation.
The filler character may not be another villian, but she’s nothing really special.

Unfortunately, I don't care if you're friends with those black eggs.

Unfortunately, I don't care if you're friends with those black eggs.

Oh well, at least we got the X eggs back.

In conclusion, I wasted time watching the first episode. (Okay, maybe I didn’t really waste time watching the actual anime, but still…)
So if you’re expecting something good from the third season of SC, I suggest you don’t watch it.
(I’d rather watch every Dancing Samurai PV/cover out there than watch this crap, lol. Even though Dancing Samurai has nothing to do with Shugo Chara)
I think I’m gonna drop this and just stick with the manga instead.

Worst anime/sequel this fall?

11 Responses to “First impressions: Shugo Chara! Party!”

  1. October 3, 2009 at 7:59 pm

    The first episode of Shugo Chara Party was enough for me to drop it. WTH is the anime portion like only 10 minutes?!??!?! =___=

  2. 3 IkutoFan!!
    October 4, 2009 at 3:18 am

    not even an amuto scene will happen

  3. October 4, 2009 at 5:58 pm

    The only reason I’m still watching at all is to see if Ikuto will be in it…

  4. 6 Rin
    October 4, 2009 at 10:56 pm

    I think the only highlight of this new season are the theme songs. No joke. I was practically screaming WTF throughout the whole episode. There’s no animation for the theme songs either. The only highlights of those was that one part where Amu’s standing next to Ikuto.

  5. October 5, 2009 at 8:29 am

    I think he’ll be in it, after all they showed him in the opening theme song.

    @ Rin
    Yeah, the theme songs are actually decent compared to the rest of the episode.
    And I agree with you on the part where Amu’s standing next to Ikuto.

  6. 8 Sweet Peppermint Baby
    October 21, 2009 at 4:09 pm

    I ain’t watching this anymore…the manga is about to end so I’ll watch it again when it’s near it’s end.

    I suggest that all you people move on with life, study for exams and do your homework everyday. Don’t worry this Shugo Chara crap can wait for your Christmas vacation and I can assure you that you won’t miss anything important(and I mean it).

    If there is a new series of Shugo Chara(based on the manga) then it will probably start NEXT YEAR!!

  7. 9 ayu
    January 24, 2010 at 1:47 am

    Yeah SCParty rly sux 10 mins of anime is like 1 sec and that ugly-fugly cosplayers z.z + SC Pucchi Puchi with the charas are rly only wasting our time.. it dosen’t make sense to wait 1 week to see and 10 min episode without ikuto.. They only thing wich makes me still watch it is the hoppe that Ikuto comes back.. :(:(:( In the rest of it there’s nothing specially with Rikka and all that school problems its like an anime for kids btw 3 and 9 yers old z.z

  8. 10 ayu
    January 24, 2010 at 1:49 am

    the only good thing what would happen to SC is to get SC TOTALLY [i’ll say one more time] TOTALLY based on manga and with Ikuto in SCParty !!!

  9. 11 Scfan
    February 8, 2010 at 2:32 pm

    I definitely do think Ikuto will come back. And when he does, maybe Amu and Ikuto will be an official couple!

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